Perhaps it helps to look at life as an adventure. An adventure is worth sharing. We're in it together after all.

Category: History

  • Black Agnes, Countess of Dunbar

    Black Agnes, Countess of Dunbar
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    For more than 40 years, Scotland had been at war. In 1391, Edward I of England had been asked to arbitrate the selection of a new king of Scotland, but he instead saw an opportunity to take Scotland for himself. Through manipulation and coercion, kidnapping and violence, Edward I laid claim to the kingdom. Scotland… Read more

  • King over the Water

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    When the Duke of Cumberland defeated the Jacobite army under “Bonnie Prince Charlie” at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, he and the government of his father, George II, initiated a harsh campaign designed to wipe out any remaining loyalty to the Stuart royal family. British troops marched through small Highland towns. Oaths of loyalty… Read more